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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
ER The Truth About Race!
Racism is propelled by the rich so you are not angry at the rich getting richer…while you are getting poorer. Racism=distraction
This story about Laredo ranches was untrue and started for a reason. Why was this story started when it was untrue and had nothing to do with reality? Someone started this story and came up with these lies…why?
The same reason I get 4-5 forwarded emails every week with Obama sitting there with a Photoshopped bone in his nose….the same reason I get pictures of Obama with a watermelon patch in his front yard…the same reason I get emails filled with lies that have NOTHING to do with reality. Racism.
It is all fear based. It is all fear of people who look different. It is all people who may make the community look different. America’s white majority will be a minority in a few years and some people fear this for some reason. They see this as “their nation” and are angered that it is changing and want “their country back”.
Why did Breitbart release that video of a black woman speaking to an NAACP convention and the spin of the edited video WAS 180 DEGREES FROM WHAT SHE SAID? Why did FOX News never run the correction to the story in the form of the full video when CNN DID run the full video? FOX was not interested in fixing the racial divide the video created yet CNN wanted to report the truth which helped fix things…but FOX DID NOT AIR THE WHOLE VIDEO. To fix the story would fix the narrative they want to project.
There is a narrative out there. There is a narrative that people who are not white are not right. There is a narrative that people who act different are queer or are freaks or are outsiders. All of these are reactions of fearful people. To react this way is not a reaction by strong people. Strong people are MLK who react to dogs and water cannon by continually walking into the face of George Wallace and the majority demanding school or a front bus seat. This is the difference.
The anti-Obama groups and anti-immigrant groups are fearful people…they are people who have problems and they are people that need to be confronted with reality. They need to be told first off that this not not “their country” but “our country”. Our country has had great influence by Native American Indian, Spanish, French, English and many other nations. So firstly the change we are seeing is called EVOLUTION and it is ironic that the people that do not believe in evolution are the ones that see it happening…and are angry at it. Our nation evolved from other cultures and languages…to other languages and cultures…to predominantly White/English culture and now we are moving onto a different color as we have many times. WE have evolved many times…and there was not a lot that could be done about it previously and not this time either. Evolution is true…it is happening before our eyes. It is change. To not want change is to defy reality from being the truth. It is to deny evolution and the future and reality.
So you might ask what to do about the border violence? Legalize marijuana in the USA and you cut the cartel revenue by 60%. Make it like a pharmaceutical here…make it pure and safe and tax it. The number of people going to hospitals due to alcohol is in millions while the number of people going to the hospital due to marijuana caused issues is very very small. People on alcohol get violent but not marijuana. So marijuana is an inherently safer drug than alcohol which is available in every store in every town in every state. Several other drugs again can be made like a pharmaceutical…made safely as opposed to with poison as drugs are not made and taxed. This would free up law enforcement and create funds to guard the bored more closely and other crimes.
NEXT…the current formula is that get drugs shipped up here and we send money and guns down to the drug cartels. The people who are killed in Mexico are killed with American made guns. The people in America killed by drug cartels are made with American made guns. What do you want to do about that? It is funny how anti-immigration people say the rights given to American citizens should not be extended to those from other nations however the right to guns in America is de-facto given to people from other nations due to the ease of getting guns here.
Overall….the lies about Obama are head and shoulders above and worse than the lies about Bush as shown by a study. Obama Snopes story is located here
This despite under Obama-
95% of Americans got a tax break
Millions of people (Republicans AND Democrats will get health insurance when they had none before
The Border Patrol has BEEN DOUBLED by Obama over what W had in place
The racial division as seen propagated by the right-wing has been a wonderful way to keep people angry at someone other than the people at the top of the economic food chain. Did you know that $2 TRILLION in cash is sitting in corporate bank accounts doing nothing? Our GDP is $14 Trillion with $2 Trillion sitting in the bank doing nothing. Shouldn’t those corporation be doing something with that money? How many people would $2 Trillion employ? How many jobs could that fund? Where is the outrage over this? This is the narrative we should be angry at but no we are busy yelling at other people who are having an even harder time at making ends meet than we have. Why do people in other nations RIOT when prices go up…they RIOT when education costs go up…they RIOT when ANYONE EVEN MENTIONS pensions could be reduced. They RIOT when things are taken away. Not here. Education goes from basically $0 to thousands of dollars per year. Our TEAPARTY elected officials say the rich can continue to get rich beyond their wild dreams yet the $800 Social Security check to seniors might have to be reduced. People here didn’t flinch when Teaparty House Leader John Boehner said retirement may have to be raised to 70.
Over the past 30 years the US GDP went from $7 to $14 Trillion. In that was a MASSIVE amount of pay increase. How much of that personal income increase we saw in $7 Trillion in GDP increase went to 90% of the population? 15% of those income gains went to 90% of the INCOME earning population of the USA. How much of the personal income increase seen in $7 TRILLION increase in GDP was seen by the TOP ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of income earners? 25%. So 25% of income gains seen in $7 TRILLION in GDP increase was given to 130,000 people in America.
Couple that with the fact that corporations pay essentially no taxes…and the rich pay no taxes as they get deductions for everything…so therefore the poor pay for everything.
So really Obama has done MORE for MORE people than any other President in decades…WHILE the amount of aggregate taxes has been the lowest since 1951. YET people complain they are taxed too much??? It truly has nothing to do with reality. The anger people voice should be aimed at the top 5% and the top 2-3% who say the VAST majority of income gains and tax breaks from Reaganomics and Bushonomics. People doubt they will even have Social Security however well over half of all people have less than $20,000 saved for retirement. But Teaparty leaders want to stop Social Security and Medicare and want to continue the tax cuts to the super rich as pay for workers goes down.
This is all a narrative for a reason. The narrative being…hate the people that are lateral to you for a number of reasons and racism is a huge one. Never hate the people who are rich…despite their getting obscene amounts of pay gains and tax cuts.
So yes…this story about ranches in Laredo are RACIST. It is a diversion from where the anger SHOULD be located. This racism is driven by the upper income in order to deflect rightfully placed anger at them.
FACE IT…you make an average salary and save almost nothing. You have debt that you go to bed worried about. You look at your kids and house and occasionally think what would happen if you and your wife lose your job. You have FAR MORE in common to homeless people than the top 2% of income earners. The top 2% is reserved for people making over $200,000 per year. Is that you? The 50% mark is about $50,000 so if you make less than about $50,000 you are in the majority. You have far more in common with homeless people than you do with the people that will see the repeal of the Bush Tax cuts. But get ready for the opposition to that will once again see the racial divide ginned up again so you do not get mad at people making over $200,000 because they deserve their huge tax breaks as you continue to pay your taxes. Be a racist. Support your rich people like good TEAPARTY members. And believe this stupid story not based on anything other than hot air so you are distracted from the truth which is that economically you are screwed by the rich that are sitting on literal goldmines.
This story about Laredo ranches was untrue and started for a reason. Why was this story started when it was untrue and had nothing to do with reality? Someone started this story and came up with these lies…why?
The same reason I get 4-5 forwarded emails every week with Obama sitting there with a Photoshopped bone in his nose….the same reason I get pictures of Obama with a watermelon patch in his front yard…the same reason I get emails filled with lies that have NOTHING to do with reality. Racism.
It is all fear based. It is all fear of people who look different. It is all people who may make the community look different. America’s white majority will be a minority in a few years and some people fear this for some reason. They see this as “their nation” and are angered that it is changing and want “their country back”.
Why did Breitbart release that video of a black woman speaking to an NAACP convention and the spin of the edited video WAS 180 DEGREES FROM WHAT SHE SAID? Why did FOX News never run the correction to the story in the form of the full video when CNN DID run the full video? FOX was not interested in fixing the racial divide the video created yet CNN wanted to report the truth which helped fix things…but FOX DID NOT AIR THE WHOLE VIDEO. To fix the story would fix the narrative they want to project.
There is a narrative out there. There is a narrative that people who are not white are not right. There is a narrative that people who act different are queer or are freaks or are outsiders. All of these are reactions of fearful people. To react this way is not a reaction by strong people. Strong people are MLK who react to dogs and water cannon by continually walking into the face of George Wallace and the majority demanding school or a front bus seat. This is the difference.
The anti-Obama groups and anti-immigrant groups are fearful people…they are people who have problems and they are people that need to be confronted with reality. They need to be told first off that this not not “their country” but “our country”. Our country has had great influence by Native American Indian, Spanish, French, English and many other nations. So firstly the change we are seeing is called EVOLUTION and it is ironic that the people that do not believe in evolution are the ones that see it happening…and are angry at it. Our nation evolved from other cultures and languages…to other languages and cultures…to predominantly White/English culture and now we are moving onto a different color as we have many times. WE have evolved many times…and there was not a lot that could be done about it previously and not this time either. Evolution is true…it is happening before our eyes. It is change. To not want change is to defy reality from being the truth. It is to deny evolution and the future and reality.
So you might ask what to do about the border violence? Legalize marijuana in the USA and you cut the cartel revenue by 60%. Make it like a pharmaceutical here…make it pure and safe and tax it. The number of people going to hospitals due to alcohol is in millions while the number of people going to the hospital due to marijuana caused issues is very very small. People on alcohol get violent but not marijuana. So marijuana is an inherently safer drug than alcohol which is available in every store in every town in every state. Several other drugs again can be made like a pharmaceutical…made safely as opposed to with poison as drugs are not made and taxed. This would free up law enforcement and create funds to guard the bored more closely and other crimes.
NEXT…the current formula is that get drugs shipped up here and we send money and guns down to the drug cartels. The people who are killed in Mexico are killed with American made guns. The people in America killed by drug cartels are made with American made guns. What do you want to do about that? It is funny how anti-immigration people say the rights given to American citizens should not be extended to those from other nations however the right to guns in America is de-facto given to people from other nations due to the ease of getting guns here.
Overall….the lies about Obama are head and shoulders above and worse than the lies about Bush as shown by a study. Obama Snopes story is located here
This despite under Obama-
95% of Americans got a tax break
Millions of people (Republicans AND Democrats will get health insurance when they had none before
The Border Patrol has BEEN DOUBLED by Obama over what W had in place
The racial division as seen propagated by the right-wing has been a wonderful way to keep people angry at someone other than the people at the top of the economic food chain. Did you know that $2 TRILLION in cash is sitting in corporate bank accounts doing nothing? Our GDP is $14 Trillion with $2 Trillion sitting in the bank doing nothing. Shouldn’t those corporation be doing something with that money? How many people would $2 Trillion employ? How many jobs could that fund? Where is the outrage over this? This is the narrative we should be angry at but no we are busy yelling at other people who are having an even harder time at making ends meet than we have. Why do people in other nations RIOT when prices go up…they RIOT when education costs go up…they RIOT when ANYONE EVEN MENTIONS pensions could be reduced. They RIOT when things are taken away. Not here. Education goes from basically $0 to thousands of dollars per year. Our TEAPARTY elected officials say the rich can continue to get rich beyond their wild dreams yet the $800 Social Security check to seniors might have to be reduced. People here didn’t flinch when Teaparty House Leader John Boehner said retirement may have to be raised to 70.
Over the past 30 years the US GDP went from $7 to $14 Trillion. In that was a MASSIVE amount of pay increase. How much of that personal income increase we saw in $7 Trillion in GDP increase went to 90% of the population? 15% of those income gains went to 90% of the INCOME earning population of the USA. How much of the personal income increase seen in $7 TRILLION increase in GDP was seen by the TOP ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of income earners? 25%. So 25% of income gains seen in $7 TRILLION in GDP increase was given to 130,000 people in America.
Couple that with the fact that corporations pay essentially no taxes…and the rich pay no taxes as they get deductions for everything…so therefore the poor pay for everything.
So really Obama has done MORE for MORE people than any other President in decades…WHILE the amount of aggregate taxes has been the lowest since 1951. YET people complain they are taxed too much??? It truly has nothing to do with reality. The anger people voice should be aimed at the top 5% and the top 2-3% who say the VAST majority of income gains and tax breaks from Reaganomics and Bushonomics. People doubt they will even have Social Security however well over half of all people have less than $20,000 saved for retirement. But Teaparty leaders want to stop Social Security and Medicare and want to continue the tax cuts to the super rich as pay for workers goes down.
This is all a narrative for a reason. The narrative being…hate the people that are lateral to you for a number of reasons and racism is a huge one. Never hate the people who are rich…despite their getting obscene amounts of pay gains and tax cuts.
So yes…this story about ranches in Laredo are RACIST. It is a diversion from where the anger SHOULD be located. This racism is driven by the upper income in order to deflect rightfully placed anger at them.
FACE IT…you make an average salary and save almost nothing. You have debt that you go to bed worried about. You look at your kids and house and occasionally think what would happen if you and your wife lose your job. You have FAR MORE in common to homeless people than the top 2% of income earners. The top 2% is reserved for people making over $200,000 per year. Is that you? The 50% mark is about $50,000 so if you make less than about $50,000 you are in the majority. You have far more in common with homeless people than you do with the people that will see the repeal of the Bush Tax cuts. But get ready for the opposition to that will once again see the racial divide ginned up again so you do not get mad at people making over $200,000 because they deserve their huge tax breaks as you continue to pay your taxes. Be a racist. Support your rich people like good TEAPARTY members. And believe this stupid story not based on anything other than hot air so you are distracted from the truth which is that economically you are screwed by the rich that are sitting on literal goldmines.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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